Secrets of getting rid of procrastination forever

Growing up, I played soccer. It was my favorite sport, and I loved going to practice, lacing up my cleats, and stepping on the field.

One day, I was doing math homework for hours before practice and was on this software that wouldn’t allow me to advance until I solved certain problems I could not figure out.

I had spent hours on this one assignment, and I was extremely frustrated that I could not get this thing done. Eventually, I ran out of time and went to practice.

It was a great practice, great weather, and I finished that practice drenched in sweat, but in a completely different mood and state of mind. I got back home, and in 10 minutes, finished my math homework. 

I did it 10 minutes which I couldn’t do in 3 hours, and it baffled me because I couldn’t understand how that was possible. But looking back, here’s what I figured out.

Getting more done isn’t just about trying harder, it’s about becoming more, and when it comes to procrastination, something so many people struggle with, how do we fix that?

Let’s start with solving the problem. Step one is to address the problem, what is procrastination? It’s the action of putting off something.

Here are 4 actionable ways that you can use to get rid of your procrastination.

1 - Give your body fresh energy

Working out, walking, meditating, clean food, will make anyone more dangerous and able. The stuff we do to our body, and the energy we supply it with has a drastic effect on how effective we are, how much willpower we have, and how we feel, all things that if optimized, will help get rid of procrastination.

2 - Make your tasks identity-based, not just something to do

The person who loves to walk will walk more than the person trying to walk 10,000 steps. Identify yourself with the person who has the habits you want, and will do the tasks right away. Go from “I need to go to the gym’ to ‘I’m someone who goes to the gym at 5 in the evening.’

3 - Optimize for focus

the average knowledge worker gets distracted every 11 minutes, and every time you lose focus, it takes you a certain amount of time to regain your full concentration. Instead of trying to get things done for 4 hours, just sit down for 50 minutes, with no phone, no distractions, and only one task.

4 - Reward yourself when you don’t procrastinate.

Every time you don’t put something off and do what you need to do, reward yourself. A concept known as positive reinforcement programs your brain to want to continue that behavior because now there is a reward for it. Over time, it builds the habit and will help you get rid of procrastination forever.


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